Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Countdown to Castaways

You Might Not Add These Songs To Your Desert Island Playlist, But You’re Not On A Desert Island

Discover new songs in the “Countdown to Castaways” streaming playlist and share them--because you can.

You ask, what is this Countdown to Castaways about?  Well, let me tell you.  I want you to know I’m getting ready to go into the studio. I want you to come with me to track 3 new songs and I want to make the process as inclusive as I possibly can.  I want you to know that I’m inspired to do this, that part of this story is you, the story leading up to this point. It’s context in the form of a 21 song countdown.

The countdown is also a way to share the pathway to this point of excitement. I am excited to get these new songs recorded and distributed.  I mean, yeah, I’m already stoked–I’m the first listener.  I know what they sound like and I wrote them and I’m playing them.  That’s cool for me and all, and I do make music because I’m crazy enough to love it,  but that doesn’t mean I want to be stranded out here all alone.   Music is about connection, and I want to throw a big party and celebrate these songs with everyone I know. That means you.

We’re not stranded on a desert island, we have the internet.  We’re connected.  So share a song with me.

Sharing creates value.  It dawned on me the other day that if you shared one of my songs with only 10 of your friends and those 10 friends shared it with 10 of their friends, and then they all shared it with 10 of their friends, then in six steps we hit a million shares.  That's a party.

We’re not stranded on a desert island, we have the internet.  We’re connected.  So share a song with me. It only takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds or less and it’s free.  Our friends will love it too.  Let's give them the gift of music.

I’ve posted 21 songs on my Jason Brock Music Facebook page.  They are all available to stream across multiple distribution channels.  It’s the Countdown to Castaways, (Castaways is the name of the studio I’m going to record my next EP) and If you don’t use Facebook you can go to Bandcamp and get the songs to share them wherever you want.

As an incentive, you and anyone who participates and emails me or DM’s me with the code: 21SONGS21DAYS will receive a digital archive of all the songs featured in the countdown. 

And I’ll send you the new songs too!  Thats it--I’m going to Castaways, which isn’t that far away…come on this journey with me!

See you in the Studio,



Photo by Stas Knop

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Get These 5 Tips on How To Crush Your First Job Interview


Get These 5 Tips on How To Crush Your First Job Interview

Get These 5 Tips on How To Crush Your First Job Interview

Rock star advice that gets applause before, during, and after meeting your new employer.

Statistics show that 33% of interviewers decide if they want to hire a prospective candidate within the first 90 seconds.  According to job seeker website Zippia.com this and many other interesting stats reveal what matters most when preparing for a job interview.  I’ve included another interesting job seeking statistic at the end of this 4 min read.

But before you go searching for more clues on what to expect as you gear up for your next killer job opportunity – get these 5 rock star tips that’ll make your experience sound like a ‘69 stratocaster through a Marshall stack.

Tip Number 1:  Practice the Songs 

I can’t say enough about getting prepared. To rock the world that your interviewer lives in, you must know as much about their mission as you can find.  Do your homework.  The more you know about their business, what they’re goals are, the more you can play to their interests and needs.  See and hear from their perspectives.  One of my favorite lyrics is “You can’t sing with someone who won’t sing with you.”  If you do this, your interivewer will know within the first 90 seconds if you can play in their band…and you’ll feel more confident.

Tip Number 2:  Know Your Audience

The more you know about the people you’ll be working with the better.  Ask yourself, “Is there anyone on the team that I have common interests with?” or “Who is my interviewer and where did they go to school?” This is super important because the win-win situation happens when you rock and they roll.  You’re not going to win over a Country audience with Psychedelic Funk.  Find the right audience and play to them.  What you're inspired by will win them over. 

Tip Number 3:  Dress To Impress

Looking good is feeling good.  Feeling good is looking good.  The balance between these two aspects exudes confidence.  A comfortable sense of authenticity and winning attitude breeds success everywhere.  Being yourself at your best is the tone you want to carry.  Sometimes thats a leather jacket. Sometimes its a suit and tie.  Buy those new shoes.  Wear that lucky necklace.  Rock it no matter what.  

"Just like a song, the job interview process
has a beginning and middle and an end.
And the truth is that the music never stops."

Tip Number 4:  Rock Star Attitude

Everyone wants to be treated like a rock star (even if they pretend not to) so treat them like one.  This doesn’t mean frothing at the mouth and stammering compliments at them, it means respect them for what they have to offer.  This goes back to Tip Number 1.   Just like you know all the songs of your favorite bands, you should genuinely know all your favorite aspects of the job you’re interviewing for.  You’ll be asked why you want to work for them and if you answer like you know the lyrics to your favorite song–you’ll crush it.

Tip Number 5:  Play With Emotion

Did you feel inspired when you saw the job listing?  Did you get even more stoked when you read the job description, the company’s mission statement, the team biographies?  If so, keep going.  Feed the fire.  Emotion is what creates lasting connection.  Carry the enthusiasm for reaching your goals all the way through the process.  Just like a song, the job interview process has a beginning and middle and an end.  And the truth is that the music never stops.  

And here is that last statistic I was talking about:  The average time from applying to the job to getting the offer is 28 days.  You have about a 3 out of 10 chance to make it all the way.  So...book a tour not just a one off show, and you'll go all the way to the top. (Zippia.com)

Your Call To Action

Create a playlist of songs that gets you inspired, that gets you ready to walk into the interview like you're ready to rock a stadium.  Here’s my “Crush it” Spotify playlist. Have suggestions? Send 'em!

Rock on!


Post Image by Christian West

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